Thursday, May 8, 2008

The moving begins

I have moved 9 times in the past 3 years. No, I'm not a nomad who can't seem to stay in one place. I have moved 9 times within a one mile radius. Annoying I know. Well it's that time of year again. Moving time. But thankfully I do not have to move everything home to my parents house while I am in New York for the summer. (Side note - I am moving from an apartment to a house... literally four doors apart from each other). Thankfully I am going to be able to store all of my stuff in a friend's basement. 

The unfortunate part. Packing and deciding what is important enough to go with me to New York. Leaving a piece of my childhood behind today, I packed my Gameboy Advance into a big blue tub this morning, in exchange for another pair of shoes in my suit case to New York. The right choice I think, but I'm glad I've got Tetris on my cell phone, otherwise how would I live? 

I'm trying to get a jump start on packing up my apartment in the midst of cramming for finals and writing papers, but I need a study break every now and then. Why not be productive, right?Although I'm not sure I like my room beginning to get so bare.  

1 comment:

  1. Hey Maggie!
    Cool blog. I'm also trying to get a jump start on packing, for Indiana, because lord knows, I have a lot of stuff...
