Sunday, December 20, 2009

visual updates

Pictures from the past month.

The girls after dinner the night they tree was lit. Very cold. Very wet.

Christmas trees for sale by my apartment.

Aunt Wanda and Bob visiting in the city. We went to a great cafeteria for lunch.

The lights at the Time Warner Center in Columbus Circle.

The Christmas tree in the lobby of my building.

The building that has smoke coming from it is my building. I am standing about 2 blocks away in my pajamas freezing at this point.

The 'green' window at Bergdorf.

The 'white' window at Bergdorf.

Stefanie and I at Ludachristmas (our unofficial holiday work party).

Stefanie, Luis, Sheryl and I celebrating Christmas.

And I managed to find a Razorback drawn on a pole at Ludachristmas. I had to take a picture. Go Hogs!

Friday, December 18, 2009

a series of unfortunate events....

...has been the reason I have not updated my blog since November. I have been in New York, Pennsylvania, Arkansas, Texas, Illinois (the last two were just airport visits, but still count).

I wish I had some more good news to share, but the bucket is running a bit dry right now -- I am so ready for 2010. But here are a few updates I can fill you in on--
  • Want to know how to avoid seasonal depression without going to the beach or somewhere that is above 20 degrees? The gym, a great workout, the sauna, yoga, and good music. (Best solution I've come up with thus far and right now I don't want to change it one bit).
  • Listening to Christmas music and wearing anything sparkly, (I choose to wear black sequin harem pants) will put you in a good mood.
In other news this week,
When you wake up inhaling smoke, don't roll over and try to continue sleeping (I did, and it doesn't work... not matter how long you stay in bed, you will continue inhaling smoke), so... promptly get out of bed, grab your social security card and leave the building.... That was a welcome home treat I experienced Sunday morning. People always ask, "What would you grab if your house was on fire?"

"A sweatshirt, my purse, and of course your social security card."

What? Not my computer, not my pictures, not A COAT, but my social... now, after-the-fact, I realize if my apartment had been on fire (FYI**The restaurant below my window/building/fire escape caught on fire and since I keep my windows cracked, the smoked filled my apartment)... I should have grabbed something different. I went outside to find out what was going on and I realized I was still in my pajamas, and only grabbed my social security card. What would you have grabbed?
Granted it was really early in the morning and I had spent the day before in airports and planes, and had not had much sleep.
I had to get a few things cleaned, but after a couple days the smell of burning building subsided... or I have really gotten used to it? Not sure. Haven't had any guests over this week.

My cousin, Elizabeth is coming up from D.C. tonight to see her Dad and his wife and tomorrow I am joining them for brunch at Balthazar's for brunch (which is one of my favorite places. I realized earlier today that it is the same place I went often for lunch when I worked in Soho. Small world, right?). After brunch we are heading uptown to see the Nutcracker at Lincoln Center. I have never been to a ballet, besides the classic 2 day event of dance recital's complements of Ms. Karen's Dance Studio. Oh, the memories.
I will fill you in before I head back home to Arkansas on Tuesday to enjoy the holidays with the family.

Back to the wonderful fire of Sunday -- all is OK now and the building's management took care of everything.

Two Christmas parties to attend tonight, and yes, I am wearing my black sequined pants.

Monday, November 30, 2009

pictures from the parade via my camera

I hope you all had a fantastic Thanksgiving. The holiday season has begun.
Don't forget the Reason for the Season. God Bless!

Friday, November 27, 2009

thankful for friends and family

The morning of Thanksgiving 2008, I stood in front of the TV in our kitchen while the rest of my family naturally filtered in to chat, well, to actually yell on top of each other. As I stood watching the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade I said, "I will be there next year."

At that point I was still high from my summer stint in the city and could not wait to return. Telling everyone who would listen that I would not be watching the parade on TV next year. I would be there.

No photos yet, they are on my camera still, but I have proof that I was at the parade--- I have confetti in my shoes, on my sweater, in my purse... it is like a never ending flood of tiny pieces of paper.
Morgan and I met about 4 a.m. and walked down to the corner of 72nd and Central Park West and set up camp. We had a blanket and playing cards. We scheduled our arrival almost perfectly, because has we waited another twenty minutes, we would not have been on the front row for the festivities.

Spiderman led the parade and the Pillsbury doughboy wasn't too far behind. Ending with Santa and Mrs. Claus, the parade was everything I thought it would be. Amazing! Definitely put it on your list of things to do before you die if you haven't ever been.

After the parade, Morgan and I crashed for three hours before we had to get to Penn Station to catch our train to head to Lancaster, Pennsylvania.
I have never been anyhere in the Northeast of the country besides New York other than a bus trip to DC last summer. The train ride was pretty and this part of the country is breathtaking. Another thing to add to your list of things to do.... visit Lancaster.

Morgan's brother picked us up at the station and we headed to their home for Thanksgiving dinenr. FINALLY! Morgan and I were starving at this point, and having dreams of turkey and gravy! We arrived, put up our bags and sat down at the table.
I am thankful for Morgan and her family for allowing me to spend the holiday with them and open up their home to me this weekend. So far, it has been nothing but fabulous.

Oh no. The evening did not stop after dinner. We listened to music, played games, chatted, and then... went shopping.
(I AM NOT a fan of Black Friday!) Today, Friday, is the first time in five years I am not working in retail on this dreaded/beloved unofficial holiday.

Morgan, her mom and I ventured to the J.Crew outlet for the midnight sales. A parking place -- nonexistent. One in one out. No, not for a bar or a nightclub, but for J.Crew. Morgan and I went in while Reyna cruised the parking lot, I lasted maybe ten minutes. I went back and traded seats with Reyna and said "I'm done. No way can I handle that." She was stoked, so I took the car (and oddly enough found a parking place in the first five minutes) and Morgan and Reyna shopped for about an hour. They are champs and got some great stuff, but I was done. I can say I attempted and I've done it... but I hope I don't do it again.

Saturday, October 31, 2009

as kandinsky said, "one time I didn't paint for 2 months"

I finally had a day to myself. I slept in, walked through the streets of New York with the cool, damp Fall air blowing the leaves of red and yellow throughout the streets. Fall is undoubtedly my favorite time of year. I have been up in the city for over 15 weeks I have been spending all of my time working and finding work and meeting people that I haven't had the chance to enjoy my backyard, New York City.

Mixing my two loves from childhood -- art and arcitecture (or as I said when I was five, "the people who build houses"), Frank Llyod Wright and Vasily Kandinsky merged together long before this exhibit at the Guggenheim.
In 2004, I went to architecture camp. Yes -- a 3 week intense schooling of architecture and collaborating our love of design with our passion for an arts. That summer the two worlds of Kandinsky and Frank Lloyd Wright intertwined and taught me more than I ever expected to learn. The main thing I learned was that I did NOT want to go to architecture school, but pursue my creativity in another way. (Thank goodness I found that out before choosing a college!)

I have felt connected to Vasily Kandinsky as an artist for several years. The sharp edges of oil and sand on canvas to the soft watercolor pigments of geometrical shapes. I feel tied to Kandinsky as the artist I am: Not following a straight line, rather walking to the rhythm of my own drum, my heart.The ribbons of color, the irregularity of his style; I feel a part of his paintings. In paris, leaving his compas behind and focusing on his own interpretation of the circle is a signature that I drew me to Kandinsky many years ago.

There is no end and no beginning in Kandinsky's artwork. Lines with no end feel like infinity; details of straight lines and "squiggles" add emotion of stability as well as freedom. Structure and loose ends: a world that can fit everything. Free thinkers, stubborn one way opinionators, the carefree, the playful, the ones not afaid to step out of the box, but at the same time including people who are timid and shy and a little rigid in their ways. To me, Kandinsky did not set boundaries. He broke them and let his brush guide him.

Movement 1; july 1935
Oil on canvas, The State Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow
The use of color is unparallel to the stagnant uneasiness of the world in the early 20th century. He saw light. He saw more than a dark sky
Kandinsky uses books and encylopedias to inspire him. And his resources would come and go and he had dry spells and enlightenment periods. We all do. As an artist I cannot produce everyday. I wish I could. But I would rather have one piece of work the has meaning than ten pieces of mediocre envisions.

I haven't been really I haven't really been inspired to sit down and write on my blog in October. Nothing personal, I just didn't have a whole lot to say. I know people, especially my family love reading my blog, but everything will be updated in time. I wrote this entry while I was in the Guggenheim today and I'm ready to publish it. Bring on November, let the inspiration flow!

Dominant curve, April 1936, Guggenheim

Humor, playfulness, "jack in the box" type of work -- each painting is different and has countless interpretations

The movement in kandinskys paintings reflects a spinning motif that e can rotate in our minds as if we are falling into his paitings and they become our world. Our surrondings.

Mixing lines and shapes with abstract and rigidness is how I would draw my self portrait. Soft and hard. Free flowing as well as roots that keep me level headed, which I would illustrate by sharp, thick lines. Soft light and shapes to express my vulnerability and the compassion I have towards people and life. I would mix dark with light hard and soft thick and thin becuase nothing has been easy and dark times cannot be misrepresented in my self portrait. My green eyes would be included bc I believe the deeppths of someones geniunity and feelings of emotion and light to the heart are apparent by a persons eyes.

Vasily Kandinsky unified art and architecture.

Monday, September 28, 2009

What happened to September?

This month has flown by so fast. I cannot believe it is almost October. Well, yes I can, the temperature drops about 5 degrees a day! Days are nice; nights are chilly. Last week I went with a friend from work (who is also from Arkansas, and graduated U of A with Mickey) to Philharmonic. It was engaging and powerful. The venue was not only gorgeous and acoustically near perfection, but the performance was above and beyond anything I expected.
As most people know, I don't have a strong... ugh, or any background in music. I've been tone deaf forever and have zero rythym. I can't even clap on beat to music. Nonetheless, I appreciate music and the musicians creating the sound. Their knowledge and skill dumbfounds me. It is a skill I will more than likely never acquire and I'm OK with that. But seriously, for everyone who had to put up with my obnoxious singing and lack of instrumental talent... I'm sorry you had to put up with me. (I.e. piano lessons, chimes, hand bells, and any association to a choir over 16 years).
Check out the Web site for Philharmonic. It was truly amazing.

Work related news: I have been taking pictures of countless things for the past two weeks. I was hesitant at first about this because my photography background includes one class in college: Basic Press Photography. I started off a little rocky but the more I have done the more comfortable I've become. I really enjoy shooting and editing the visual content for so many magazines. It is a lot of fun. Overall, I am broadening my artistic capabilities and skill. I could not be more happy to have this opportunity. Check out a few photos that I have taken in the past few weeks.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

It's official

I am a member of the largest Mizzou alumnae association: the New York City Chapter. I don't want to brag or anything, but I made the Web site.
Jealous? I know, some people just can't make it big! JUST KIDDING! But I did make it onto the alumni chapter's photo gallery, along with Morgan and her mom. Morgan's parents drove up from Pennsylvania Saturday morning to go with us to the "Mizzou Bar" (i.e. McFadden's on 42nd & 2nd). Each game day the chapter decorates the bar with banners, pompoms, drink specials, all with the fight song playing in the background. It's not like being at Farout Field,
but I guess since I have to be in New York... McFadden's is the place to be. (And yes I do understand the bar has the same name as DMac, coincidence? Must be fate!)

While viewing this photo, please acknowledge that I am wearing a red cardigam (underlying meaning.... GO HOGS!) and I also have a magnetic, LED light up Razorback on my shirt. You can take the girl out of Arkansas but you can't take Arkansas out of the girl!

LinkI have not done a lot within the past week but I did snag a part-time job at GAP, only four blocks from my apartment. I did not even go in to apply, I went to check out a few light sweaters and shirts that I had seen online and the girl checking me out was my manager from Banana Republic in Soho last summer. OMG, she was my favorite! I'm glad that it was easy to get a part-time job, but I'm more excited that I get my GAP Inc. discount back! OH how I have missed having that extra 50% off!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

full speed ahead

Did I post earlier saying September was going to be a good month? If I didn't post it, I told everyone I have spoken to, and I mean as of September 1 I knew it was going to be a good month. (Its only half way done but so far, so good, and each day is getting better).

I know you all have been waiting for me to "do something" besides decorate my apartment, visit museums, and meet new people. Ha! Well, last week I found an internship application online, which I wasn't even applicable for, but I recognized the email: Susan, a U of A alum who graduated in journalism with Mickey. I emailed her to say hi, what's up, yada yada yada, I'm a fellow Arkansan and we know a mutual blonde.
So, we set up a meet n' greet and I pretty much fell in love, ha! No, but she is a great person and I am so glad I finally met her. After I left her office, I took the train back up to the UWS and immediately when I got off the train, I had an email from the photo editor at Niche Media (where I had just been); I emailed her back and said I could come back down for an interview, and that it would be about half an hour. One thing led to another and I'm now interning at Niche Media, and I can't tell you how much I am enjoying it. I've been brushing up on my photography skills and shooting products for different mags and talking to people all over the country to get their business, product, or event illustrated in one of Niche Media's 13 magazines.
The people have been fantastic and the work has been enjoyable and I look forward to going each day.

Not only do I "have something to do each day," but I'm learning new things, working in a fabulous atmosphere, meeting new people, and enjoying myself. Right now things are going really great. That might be why I haven't posted in several days.....

I also haven't posted because Friday I came down with something, started resembling the flu, but I was back to 100% on Monday so it must have been either a virus or a "short-term flu." Regardless, I feel much better, I'm back to my 'A' game!

Hope all is well at home. Go HOGS! Beat Georgia on Saturday!!!!

Monday, September 7, 2009

new additions

Here are a few pictures I promised last week. It has taken a little while to get everything together, but all in good time. Notice the chairs. Finally another place to sit besides the floor and my bed. Still one missing ingredient though, the bed frame has not arrived yet. It should be here in before September ends, keep your fingers crossed.

Oh, Patpat, the tomato knife was delivered. Its new home is in New York. Also, thank you for the picture of your "flocked" yard. Great idea that your youth group did!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

what more do i need?

I have chairs and Whitney Houston.
I have beautiful weather that I have never, EVER experienced before Labor Day weekend.
I have meetings and brunches scheduled with magazine people this week.
I got a pedicure and manicure for $20.
Oh, and I am only a short train ride away from the US Open.

Before moving to New York, I didn't have a job, which is still the case today, but people continually told me that September should start changing things up, for the better. Today is September 1, and already I can see things changing.

My design professor from college told me that I could not say I was unemployed until September. Until then I could say, "I'm a recent graduate." Well I guess today I am to consider myself officially unemployed.

Usually I wake up and wonder, "what the heck am I going to do today?" But after falling asleep watching Andy Roddick's first round, I had an amazing slumber and awoke refreshed and ready to start the day. Although I am still unemployed and trying to budget myself under $20 a day, life has its perks in New York. Like this morning, I woke up, made myself breakfast (scrambled eggs and toast...yum!) walked down to the corner for a grande coffee and then walked into the nail salon for a mani and pedi.

After getting my nails done (and for once not ruining them in 10 minutes) I went to Central Park. Yesterday, mom texted me and asked if I was going to see Whitney Houston, and I really had no idea what she was talking about since I haven't woken up in time to watch GMA in weeks. (aka Good Morning America for all you Today Show people...) But after researching it a bit, I saw that she was singing at Rumsey Playfield in Central Park, Sept. 1. But then all I saw was "gates open at 11:00a.m.
Since i am not a die-hard fan of Whitney's I did not camp out to get in or go early this morning, I decided to stroll by after noon to see if she had started singing. A combination of my my tone-deafness as well as no sense of "on key/off key" I thought everything I heard was awesome. Apparently her voice cracked, but I don't know if I heard it or I was just in awe of her voice all together that I just overlooked it. Read the story here, or watch GMA tomorrow morning for the real show.

Regardless of the critics, hearing WH apologize, blah, blah, blah, her voice is still amazing and from what I heard I give her two thumbs-up!

The other amazing thing that has happened in my life? CHAIRS.
I have sat on the floor to eat breakfast, lunch, and dinner for the past six weeks, but as of 3 o'clock yesterday, I got to sit in a chair and I haven't really left the chair since then. I've said it before but I'll say it again, each day my apartment feels more and more like home. Eating dinner while sitting in a chair seemed like a luxury yesterday.
I'm not at the apartment now, but when I get back I will be taking new pictures of my home to show you all the updates. The only thing missing is a bed frame, but I'm in no hurry, I feel on top of the world with my mattress on the floor!

Until next time,

Friday, August 28, 2009

i have the best friends and family

I haven't had a lot of exciting things happen in the past week, so I have been slow to update the blog, but yesterday might have been the best day since I've been here... well, best day by myself.
Yesterday I woke up, checked my e-mails, responded to a few freelance responses from my portfolio (all future jobs/assignments, so not really anything right this moment), and waited on a priority box from mom.
Every time I receive a package it seems to inspire me to reorganize everything in my apartment. So I cleaned and sorted things out in a new way, but the best part was adding my new plates and coasters to the cabinets. It might be two days from my mom's birthday, but I got my birthday present from Mickey (my sister) yesterday. Boy was it worth the wait. Awesome set of plates and coasters. Check them out:

After receiving some of my favorite magazines, cavenders greek seasoning, and other odds and ends, I watched TV for a bit while I worked on the computer (my desk came in and I got cable this week! Needless to say, but my apartment is feeling more and more like home each day and I am spending more and more time in my colorful box).
Around 8 I decided I would go try and find something for dinner, but when I opened my door I had a package from UPS with the return address of an unfamiliar name and address from Missouri.
Intrigued, I brought the box in and decided to open it before I went out.
This is what I opened:

The best care package I've ever received from two of my greatest friends from school. Annie and Lauren and I were in Advanced Magazine Design together, so basically we spent the entire last semester together. So many great memories with them.
Side note: If you don't know this about me already, I kind of like Hannah Montana. Anyways, the "Hannah" box they sent me had "late night snacks," "magazines to keep me inspired," "tiny toiletries for my tiny apartment," and "cups for beer... I mean juice."
There was also a frame for my refrigerator that says "someone in Missouri loves you," and there is a picture from graduation of the three of us along with Julia, who was a part of the crew as well.
Basically, this made my day. Then I got to call and talk to them and catch up. Thanks girls for the package! It was the best surprise!

Last night Morgan and I went to the midnight showing of "September Issue," the new documentary about Anna Wintour and her influence on the fashion world as well as her history and continuing with Vogue. If it is in a theatre near you, I suggest checking it out. Fantastic movie.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

the fun side of things

Written yesterday:
I am equally as exhausted today as I went back to the Jacob Javits Convention Center to look at the booths we couldn't get to on Sunday during the New York International Gift Market. I took some down time afterwards and saw "The Hangover;" hilarious. Then I came home, worked on planning my schedule for tomorrow (in and around deliveries and such...).

While Mom and Dad were in town we went to several great restaurants as well as a Mets game at the new Citi Field. The Mets were celebrating 50 years since their Championship win over Baltimore Orioles in 1969. Needless to say, they talked about the game all night and Dad just cringed. On another note, the Mets played the San Francisco Giants. The first professional baseball game I attended was a Giants game in San-Fran. The game was awesome, the food was great, and our seats were top notch! Thanks Dad for hooking us up with those seats!

P.S. Patpat- my tomato knife is in a box labeled "kitchen" in Arkansas

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

a transformation & in need of a vacation

I will elaborate more in my next post and put up cute pictures of my parents and I from the past few days when they were visiting. But it was more work than play, hence the minimal captions.
My building; On the corner is the Earthen Oven, an Indian restaurant.
I live on the back side of the building. (The Earthen Oven is in the bottom right of this picture; Where the sun is shining through between the buildings is where I am; "HI!")
Some zoom action taking place in this photo.
The building begins. First project, apex shelves.
Classic. Mom directing, Dad working.
Second project. 3x2 modular cabinet type thing, which will act as a room divider. Again, mom overseeing, while dad is hard at work. (I helped put the wheels on, but I get to put together the bed frame and two bookcases by myself over the next few weeks, so don't feel bad for Joe yet.
TADA!!!! Well, sort of. The mattress has arrived, but the frame has not. So I have upgraded from floor... to air mattress... to fold-out sofa bed... to pillow-top mattress on the floor.
Another view (from the bathroom door).
Dad is so proud of his handy-work! (Picture taken from my bed; as I lie on it).
For everyone who has wondered what I've done with my huge window; well, I finally got a curtain. Oh, and a really cute orange clock on the way next to it.
From the hallway, opening up my door: this is what ya see! Dad got in the way a bit, but it works.
Hope you all enjoy the 2/3 decorated apartment.

Let the pictures speak for themselves, I'm exhausted.