Sunday, February 21, 2010

i haven't fallen off the island, i'm still here

I haven't posted any updates about my life in several weeks so let me bring you all up to speed. I left my internship at Niche Media. I had a fantastic experience there for six months, but I decided it was time to move forward. Since then I have picked up more hours at the Gap and am working as a Visual Design Specialist.In the meantime I have been studying advanced Web design and code. A year ago I started learning how to make and design Web sites, but I used programs that would write the code for me. So to make myself more marketable, I have been writing all of the front-end code for my personal Web site, which is scheduled to launch the first of April. At first it seemed so intimidating and daunting but it's like math, once you get it, you have it. So in a sense, I have become more of a computer nerd and really liking it.
I have also been working on a few designs for my business cards that compliment my overall design scheme that fit into my logo, resume, Web site, etc.

Here are a couple of options I have been working on. I haven't ordered any yet, but would love to hear some criticism, likes, and dislikes.

Friday, February 19, 2010

something to think about

My Mom sent me this a few weeks ago and it's to good to keep to myself, so I am passing it forward.
Thirteen Favorite Habits That Help me Live a Happy Life
by Paul J. Meyer
April 14, 2009

  1. The habit of beginning each day with prayer and Bible study.
  2. Laugh, laugh and then laugh some more! Someone asked Jane what she liked about Paul best, and she said "He makes me laugh."
  3. Live every day and every hour, with passion and enthusiasm. We are only going this way once. Why not take a big bite out of it.
  4. Positive Thinking! It has a million-plus benefits. It gives power to turn the worst situation into victory!
  5. The habit of giving joyously and generously.
  6. The habit of spontaneity - thinking of it - doing it - carpe diem - seize the moment!
  7. The habit of entering every day, every hour, without giving mental recognition to the possibility of defeat.
  8. The habit of forgiving - always - everyone - quickly. Do not waste time in un-forgiveness.
  9. The habit or optimism - seeing the best in people and the best in circumstances, situations, and the best for the future.
  10. The habit of having an attitude of gratitude. giving thanks daily, keeping your eyes and mind focused on God as the provider.
  11. Being an encourager. Helping people feel better, stronger - tell them they can accomplish their goals and dreams. Be supportive.
  12. Live life as an inverted paranoid. I think the whole world and everyone i meet is scheming and conspiring to do only good things for me.
  13. Have the hobby habit. My hobbies are reading, biking, walking, flying, swimming, collecting, and much more.
I don't want to die until not one thing God has planned for me would be left undone.