Tuesday, November 30, 2010

let's play catch up

What's Cooking Wine Wednesday with Mom

After a very, very busy day before Thanksgiving, my mom and I nearly crashed when we got home from running errands. I made five trips to the grocery store and might I add that each trip consisted of no more than two purchases. Though the rest of my family was working I can't complain. I was on "vacation." It was fun to run around and see friends, help Mimi with the dressing and set the kids' table, but traffic was atrocious and I quickly remembered why I don't like driving.

The events of this particular Wine Wednesday fell into place unexpectedly. We called dad to pick up our favorite Iriana's pizza on his way home from work while my mom and I got everything out to make the pecan pie. Famished and sleep deprived, mom and I grabbed a glass of wine, which I put in my favorite goblets.

My sister and I gave mom four goblets several years ago.

On to the pie. Although it is readily available, I won't share the recipe to this Thanksgiving staple. Pecan pie and wine made for a great Wine Wednesday with Mom!

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