Monday, September 7, 2009

new additions

Here are a few pictures I promised last week. It has taken a little while to get everything together, but all in good time. Notice the chairs. Finally another place to sit besides the floor and my bed. Still one missing ingredient though, the bed frame has not arrived yet. It should be here in before September ends, keep your fingers crossed.

Oh, Patpat, the tomato knife was delivered. Its new home is in New York. Also, thank you for the picture of your "flocked" yard. Great idea that your youth group did!


  1. The apartment is looking great! Hope it is feeling like "home" to you. :)


  2. Love what you've done to the place! After working on 2 dorm rooms, I noticed your storage containers. Beginning to look like "Maggie's Place"! Luv ya, Mrs. Stephanie

  3. watson and i want to come visit soon!
