Friday, December 18, 2009

a series of unfortunate events....

...has been the reason I have not updated my blog since November. I have been in New York, Pennsylvania, Arkansas, Texas, Illinois (the last two were just airport visits, but still count).

I wish I had some more good news to share, but the bucket is running a bit dry right now -- I am so ready for 2010. But here are a few updates I can fill you in on--
  • Want to know how to avoid seasonal depression without going to the beach or somewhere that is above 20 degrees? The gym, a great workout, the sauna, yoga, and good music. (Best solution I've come up with thus far and right now I don't want to change it one bit).
  • Listening to Christmas music and wearing anything sparkly, (I choose to wear black sequin harem pants) will put you in a good mood.
In other news this week,
When you wake up inhaling smoke, don't roll over and try to continue sleeping (I did, and it doesn't work... not matter how long you stay in bed, you will continue inhaling smoke), so... promptly get out of bed, grab your social security card and leave the building.... That was a welcome home treat I experienced Sunday morning. People always ask, "What would you grab if your house was on fire?"

"A sweatshirt, my purse, and of course your social security card."

What? Not my computer, not my pictures, not A COAT, but my social... now, after-the-fact, I realize if my apartment had been on fire (FYI**The restaurant below my window/building/fire escape caught on fire and since I keep my windows cracked, the smoked filled my apartment)... I should have grabbed something different. I went outside to find out what was going on and I realized I was still in my pajamas, and only grabbed my social security card. What would you have grabbed?
Granted it was really early in the morning and I had spent the day before in airports and planes, and had not had much sleep.
I had to get a few things cleaned, but after a couple days the smell of burning building subsided... or I have really gotten used to it? Not sure. Haven't had any guests over this week.

My cousin, Elizabeth is coming up from D.C. tonight to see her Dad and his wife and tomorrow I am joining them for brunch at Balthazar's for brunch (which is one of my favorite places. I realized earlier today that it is the same place I went often for lunch when I worked in Soho. Small world, right?). After brunch we are heading uptown to see the Nutcracker at Lincoln Center. I have never been to a ballet, besides the classic 2 day event of dance recital's complements of Ms. Karen's Dance Studio. Oh, the memories.
I will fill you in before I head back home to Arkansas on Tuesday to enjoy the holidays with the family.

Back to the wonderful fire of Sunday -- all is OK now and the building's management took care of everything.

Two Christmas parties to attend tonight, and yes, I am wearing my black sequined pants.

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