Monday, September 28, 2009

What happened to September?

This month has flown by so fast. I cannot believe it is almost October. Well, yes I can, the temperature drops about 5 degrees a day! Days are nice; nights are chilly. Last week I went with a friend from work (who is also from Arkansas, and graduated U of A with Mickey) to Philharmonic. It was engaging and powerful. The venue was not only gorgeous and acoustically near perfection, but the performance was above and beyond anything I expected.
As most people know, I don't have a strong... ugh, or any background in music. I've been tone deaf forever and have zero rythym. I can't even clap on beat to music. Nonetheless, I appreciate music and the musicians creating the sound. Their knowledge and skill dumbfounds me. It is a skill I will more than likely never acquire and I'm OK with that. But seriously, for everyone who had to put up with my obnoxious singing and lack of instrumental talent... I'm sorry you had to put up with me. (I.e. piano lessons, chimes, hand bells, and any association to a choir over 16 years).
Check out the Web site for Philharmonic. It was truly amazing.

Work related news: I have been taking pictures of countless things for the past two weeks. I was hesitant at first about this because my photography background includes one class in college: Basic Press Photography. I started off a little rocky but the more I have done the more comfortable I've become. I really enjoy shooting and editing the visual content for so many magazines. It is a lot of fun. Overall, I am broadening my artistic capabilities and skill. I could not be more happy to have this opportunity. Check out a few photos that I have taken in the past few weeks.

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