Wednesday, October 20, 2010

never say never

One year ago today, I woke up early with a voicemail from my dad. I could tell by his voice that it wasn't good news. I called him back, he told me my grandfather had passed away during the night, and that I should come. Never having lost a member of my family, I was a shaken up and wasn't real sure what to do. I bought a plane ticket, went to work to tie up some loose ends and let them know I was leaving town for a few days. Going home for the first time after moving to New York was supposed to be joyous and celebratory, as it should have been Christmas time, but there was a little change of plans. Being with my family during this hard time was comforting and necessary.
Looking back, it is hard to believe it's been a year, but I still think about both my grandfathers every day and keep them close in my heart. Earlier today I was looking into candidates' Web sites and platforms for the November 2 election and getting a better idea of who I plan to vote for. Whenever an election is on the rise I always think of what my grandfather said about voting.
"You can't complain if you don't vote."
So true. It is your civic responsibility as an able citizen of the United States to vote. It's painless, it takes seconds and it gives you the right to complain. If you vote, you can bicker back and forth as much as you want about why one candidate won, why the other should have, or what the elected person screws up throughout the year. If you don't vote, keep your mouth shut, because you didn't put in your two cents when it mattered. I urge you to register, find your polling place, and get out and VOTE on Tuesday, November 2.

Another brilliant statement he told me over and over... "never say never." Words to live by. You never know what is going to be thrown your way, so never, say never.

Mimi, Papa and I; Christmas 2008

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