Friday, June 13, 2008

Successful Week

Well its finally Friday and really, I couldn't be more happy. Tonight is my birthday party! I have my birthday dress ready with my shoes and jewelry sitting nicely on my dresser waiting for me to put them on. It's going to be a fun night, but before I get into details about tonight I need to catch you up on the past week. Probably the best week I've had thus far. Monday began with a sardine like trip on the train at 8 a.m. to visit Century 21. I arrived an hour late to meet my friend Casey after getting lost numerous times and having zero directions. The Blackberry with GPS that I got on Tuesday would have really come in handy in that situation, but obviously this situation took place 24 hours before. At least it won't happen again with the trusty Google maps in the palm of my hand. How I ever survived before is a mystery to me. 
After walking two miles back home from Century 21 in one of the worst heat waves I have experienced I quickly took a freezing shower and met up with Kevin to head to the Yankees game. I was outside virtually 
all day, and my horrible tan line that lasted all of 36 hours was proof. The game was awesome. Yankee stadium was very cool, and the new one is gorgeous from the outside. (The picture is Kevin and I at the baseball game).
Tuesday was my birthday. I finally became legal. Even though I was never carded on my birthday... even when buying at a liquor store. Gee, thanks. Whelp, that's New York for ya. Tuesday evening a few of my girlfriends and I went uptown to Rockafeller Plaza for a great dinner. It was a low key night because we all had work on Wednesday. -- (I know... that was so adult of me to say...)
Wednesday and Thursday were work, work, work, and exhaustion, exhaustion, exhaustion. I love my job. It is so much fun to go in everyday. But I have been on the go so much that I was finally tired Thursday morning. But it didn't last long because my cousin Katie and her husband Andrew, who live in D.C., came into the city and took me to dinner. It was fantastic! Best meal I  have had since  I have been here. It was a great birthday dinner and an awesome treat to see them. I'm hoping to make it down to D.C. before the end of the summer. 

This brings me to today. Not only was work really fun this morning, but all of our computers were getting updated so we HAD TO leave at three. It was great surprise. When I got off work, I began wondering and "got lost in the city." (My favorite thing to do!) I found a few wonderful boutiques and great shoe stores. I wondered from 59th and 8th Ave. to 34th and Lexington. It was gorgeous outside so I put my walking shoes on (which are always in my purse, if not on my feet) and hit the street running, well, walking aggressively. My ipod was in and I was in heaven. 
But when I stumbled upon Banana Republic, I couldn't help myself but go in. I found the cutest turquoise t-shirt dress and a great long jacket/sweater on sale that will be perfect for work. 

Want to know where my birthday party is???? Check it out. It's at the Mansion. I've only heard good things, but I'll test it out and let you know.  I think that is all for now. I'll post soon. 



  1. Maggie!!! the blog is great! Im so jealous of you having so much fun!! :) I hope I can come visit you! Love you! <3

  2. wish i could have been at the birthday party too!

  3. maggie-
    I found your blog with your dad's help and have loved reading it!
    have the summer of your dreams and enjoy every minute of it...I know you will.
    I will be looking forward to reading about it.
    I am so very excited for you. you have come a long way from our talks my little brown haired girl.
    love, beth w.

  4. oh, and HAPPY BIRTHDAY, sweetie.
