Monday, June 16, 2008

The birthday is officially over

After celebrating for nearly a week a half, it is officially time to say my birthday is over. Although it was a terrific birthday and I wish it could go on forever, the day has retired. But no worries, I'm still going t0 talk about it until the day I die. As I said said earlier, my birthday dinner in Rockefeller Plaza was great but I wanted to add a picture for everyone.

After the anticipation all week, we finally made it to Friday. The night to go out and celebrate the right way. We started in Greenwich Village at a bar called Off the Wagon - beer pong tables included. We will definitely be going back, but that was a mere detour to our main destination, the Mansion. Walking a block over from the bar we tried to hail a couple of cabs for twenty minutes. We became so desperate we were about to take two gypsy cabs, but no, God knew we needed to arrive in style. A limo pulled up and offered us all a ride, so yes we took the limo to the Mansion (picture below). Arriving at the club, we stepped out and were immediately let in through the ropes and cut the entire line, that was as long as the building. (My roommate's boss hooked us up on that one). On top of that we didn't have to pay cover. We headed straight to the Ballroom, got a drink, took a tour of every room, and then settled in the Living Room to dance all night to 80s, 90s, and the best tunes of today.

After having a great time on Friday night, we had a very laid back Saturday. Watching TV, sleeping, and laughing about the night. Yes, I did say watching TV. Friday night when we were heading back to the house the boys saw a TV outside our apartment but thought nothing of it. When they were leaving they saw it again and brought it up. It works and we have about ten channels. After no TV for three weeks. This is a birthday miracle!!

Yesterday we slept in and then headed uptown to the Met. Yes, I spent more time at the Met. But it is so great, that no one could ever get enough. I will probably go back at least three more times before the end of the summer. Here is a picture of my roommates, Stephanie, Bridget and I and our friend Kelly, on the roof of the Met overlooking Central Park and the West Side. Hope everyone had a great weekend.

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