Friday, September 23, 2011

you can take the girl out of college...

But you can't take college out of the girl. I get several emails a week from my alma mater and more specifically, RJI (Reynolds Journalism Institute). The J-school is always on the edge of technology and moving forward before anyone else, but today is something really special. RJI is holding a Reality Symposium and streaming it live. Four graduates of Mizzou's world known Journalism School are speaking and discussing about the use of their journalism background that has so heavily impacted their career's now. 
The panel includes:
  • Jon Murray, a television producer and Co-Creator of MTV's The Real World, Road Rules, and the Oxygen Network's The Bad Girls Club
  • Linda Bell Blue, Executive Producer of Entertainment Tonight (currently in her 13th year).
  • Lance Heflin, former Executive Producer of America's Most Wanted, and has since created his own production company, Heflin Filmworks.
  • Jim Berger (pictured below from live stream), co-founder of High Noon Entertainment, has been and is the Executive Producer and/or Co-Creator to several television shows, including HGTV's HGTV'd and My First Place, TLC's Cake Boss, Next Great Baker, as well as Food Network's Unwrapped, Ultimate Recipe Showdown.

I have been watching/listening to the live stream of discussions, Q&A's from students, professors and professionals. Each panel member has brought up so many taxing points and realizations of today's news and social society. Just because we study one thing in school and want to do something so narrow, we must be able to adapt and make ourselves more versatile with our skills and goals in order to obtain success. Linda Bell Blue said you have to put yourself out there, adapt to new technologies and strategies to get where you want to go. "The competition is fierce and you have to push through to get what you want." 

Great Friday and break from regular TV. Go to to watch and participate in this riveting panel of professionals. The symposium concludes today at 3:00p.m. central time. 

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

new reading obsession

As I mentioned in August, the new book on my reading list included The Hunger Games. After the busiest month of the year, I was only able to reread The Help on a flight and Faulkner's Light in August during the evenings. 

Everything I had read or heard about The Hunger Games included words like, addicting, exciting, entertaining. More than anything, I was told that I would not want to put the book down. Since August got away from me and last Wednesday I was summoned to jury duty, I decided it was the right time to download the book and get started. Last Wednesday, September 14, I started and finished the first of the trilogy. The following day I was assigned to a trial so I didn't have as much time to read but I started the second book, Catching Fire

So basically with over a thousand pages to read between three novels, I can clearly use this as an excuse to explain my lack of blogging, well that, and I've been on jury duty. But I served on a trial, came to a verdict, and finished yesterday. That is all I can say about that. 

This past weekend I was dog sitting, enjoying the 35th Annual Columbus Avenue Festival. I didn't find as much fabulous handmade jewelry as I would have liked, but I did stock up on veggies at the farmer's market. In the mean time I started the third book, Mockingjay. Beginning was a little slow, but each book did have a couple slow parts, but the anticipation to get past the slow part was enough to pull me through. 

Instead of an old, new, and re-read for the month, I'm finishing The Hunger Games Trilogy and working my way through a new CSS web design book that came out. I know, not so interesting to most, but just because I'm not in school anymore doesn't mean I don't need to keep my skill level high. So between books for knowledge and books for pleasure, I've actually been flying through this month's book list. 

PS -- I have totally surpassed my New Year's resolution to read more than seven books. Maybe next year I'll triple that goal. 

Thursday, September 8, 2011

scratch it off the bucket list

Last Friday, I had the amazing opportunity to go to the US Open. Being an avid tennis player and fan since I was about five-years-old, I've always wanted to see a real match (not an exhibition match). I have always been obsessed with Sampras, Agassi, even before my time -- Connors and Borg. When I started playing competitively in my early tween years, I became very fond of Andy Roddick.

Guess who I saw win at the US Open last week? Andy Roddick. I also had the pleasure of seeing Christina McHale (USA) play Maria Kirilenko (RUS) play. Unfortunately McHale, who I was rooting for did not win, it was still a great match! It's always been a dream of mine to go to the US Open, especially since, ya know, I LIVE IN NYC, and thanks a good friend, Lynn, I made it this year! Thanks for taking me Lynn. It was an awesome experience. Unforgettable!

Anna and I completely stoked to be at the Open! 
She really was excited, despite the smirk on her face

Roddick after his victory

McHale trying to come back and win, but unfortunately, our cheers weren't enough. 

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

post wedding

Well, I can honestly say it will be a wedding that no one will ever forget. From all the parties leading up to the big day, to the last minute video slideshows, speech preparations, water bottle labeling, and the 25+ trips to the country club for final details. Everything came together and turned out beautifully. I think I've exhausted the subject of Mickey's wedding over the past 9 months, so here is an overview of the weekend soiree's via photography. 

Kicking off the wedding weekend with the wedding party and entire family. 
Thanks for a great bbq!

Friday morning we started with the Bridesmaids Luncheon at Brave New Restaurant.
 Thank you to the fabulous group of hostesses! It was a major success. 

The Bride and her Bridesmaids. Such a wonderful day with absolutely beautiful weather! 

The great yellow chevron table runners and bright gerber daisies. 

The Bride and Mother of the Bride. Pretty in Pink!

Rehearsal Dinner - BEST date ever. 
Thank you for all your help and AV skills James David! 
Thanks for staying by my side all weekend. 

The last picture of "the four of us."
 Mickey and Cory, now known as Mr. and Mrs. Willett at their rehearsal dinner. 
Great job Cory, the evening was wonderful.

The Bride and her Bridesmaids at the end of the night. Ready for Wedding Day! 

The limo bus taking the wedding party to the reception. My camera didn't make it back out of my purse the rest of the night, but at least I got a picture of that FABULOUS bouquet!