Monday, July 11, 2011

to move or not to move

. . . that is the question.

I know, I know, all I have blogged about for the past six plus months has been about moving. And believe me, I want to, but as the search began a couple of weeks ago, each apartment has been worse the previous.

And guess what I found when I bumped up my price range? A 4-burner stove, which is an improvement from the current 2-burners/hot plates I have. But when you imagine a 4-burner stove, what do you assume is beneath it? An oven? One would think. But in a certain prime Upper West Side apartment for rent, an oven was not to be found, instead, a mini fridge. Thinking logically this doesn't make a lot of sense to me. If your using a gas stove, heat will radiate. And if you are trying to keep things cool beneath it, isn't that like a catch-22? I'm no scientist, but that situation seems silly. Don't believe me? See this pretty picture.

Yes, those are stains on the fridge. And that microwave -- straight from the 70's.

My apartment might be overflowing, but if this is what the market has to show. . . then I might just stay put. I have a couple more weeks to decide. I'll keep you updated.

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